Recent Faves♡

/ Sunday, February 21, 2016 /

Hi friends! :) I wanted to share a few new things I've grown to love with you.

1. Macaron Rose perfume: Urban Outfitters. I've been using a Victoria's Secret mist for a while now, which hasn't been lasting all day, but this one does the job! It smells amazing, the scent is strong (I only spray once), and it's long lasting. Plus I'm in love with its pastel pink color to match my room haha.

2. Gabrielle Watch: Urban Outfitters. I recently lost Nixon watch and broke my Marc Jacobs watch.. so I thought to myself that maybe expensive things aren't for me. They're way too much responsibility and I can't seem to take care of them :-( Then I happened to come across this beauty! It's the perfect size and I'm absolutely in love with it. Definitely one thing I can't leave the house without.

3. Mary Lou Highlighter: The Balm. My first highlighter ever and I love the shade. I never really understood the point of using highlighter, but after trying this it definitely made a difference with glow for the nose&cheeks. I have yet to try other brands but I'll stick to this one for now!

4. Telescopic Mascara: L'Oreal. ****AHH I've been so excited to share about this mascara!!! I use this every morning and I think to myself "I have to post about this soon." Yes, I'm in love with it. I've been using the Maybelline Volum' Express: Mega Plush mascara for 2 years (too close-minded and afraid to try anything else), so this is saying a lot haha! It doesn't clump, it separates my lashes, and it lengthens them (2 coats). You can probably get it at any drugstore so it doesn't hurt to try :) Hopefully you'll like it as much as I do!

5. Acai Hydrating Body Lotion: Victoria's Secret. I got this as a Christmas gift and I've been using a little bit of it everyday before leaving the house. I use the Acai Body Scrub as well and I cannot even begin to explain how refreshing the smell is. Sometimes, I'll use this lotion just to smell the acai even if I don't need any more on my skin haha. I've only been using Olay and Aveeno lotions since middle school because of my sensitive skin (most of the other VS lotions make my skin red), but after trying this I'll probably buy it again after I run out.

yay so much more to share but I'll save that for next time!
have a lovely week yall :)


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